Thursday, August 5, 2010


I will start this blog off by saving everyone some time and explaining Amosmia so you don't have to look it up. I have something called Congenital Anosmia.  Which basically means I was born without a sense of smell. To answer your questions... No I can't smell anything no matter how strong and Yes I can taste.  People who have Anosmia often times can't taste but if it congenital they often can.  Those are the two questions I get most often.  I promise no matter how many times you put a candle under nose and say try this one it is really strong my answer will still be "Can't smell it".

Yes Anosmia is really rare and the congenital type is really really really rare, but those of you who know me know.. if the odds are a million to 1 I will be the one LOL.  Too bad that hasn't worked with the lottery.   Because as my son put it "I am one in a million" and seeing how Anosmia is one of the things that shows how true that is I thought it was a fitting blog title.