Live Life 100% Wide Open. That is my motto.
It isn't an idea I came up with and decided to live that way. It is more they way I am naturally and so I adopted it as my motto. But the truth is it has both its good points and its bad.
Sometimes I feel like a I am a pendulum swinging my way through life. All the way this way, all the way that way. Back and forth, back and forth, until I have expelled all my energy and I just stop and don't move at all. Then some force (read idea) will come and move me and I start the swinging all over again until I am once more exhausted.
Sometimes that pendulum is more like a Newtons's Cradle and my family are the other balls being bounced from one extreme to the other. Good thing for me my family and friends are kinda crazy and are usually willing to play along.
I am sure there is a happy medium there where most people live. But if you look at a Newton's Cradle those balls in the middle... for the most part they don't go anywhere. They just hang there in the middle. Boooorrring.
There is a huge rush to the swing. I think the biggest plus is simply that I have fun. I enjoy the highs and the swinging from one idea to the other. I enjoy life! I really do think that is a gift. I realize I sometimes drive the people around me crazy. That is why I surround myself with people who can handle the energy of the swing as well as the down time in between.
I think that is the biggest lesson I have learned. You can spend a lot of time trying to change who you are so you will be acceptable or you can be yourself. Embrace life and live it to the fullest. But if you are going to live life 100% wide open make sure the people around you get it. Find a group of people who will have fun with you. Who will enjoy your energy and respect your down time. Not everyone can handle it. It can be exhausting. Believe me I know that. I live it. Finding that group of people is key cause nobody wants to swing alone!