Well I completely forgot about the 31 day challenge. For those of you who know me that will not surprise you. For those who are just getting to know me .... yeah, I am a bit flaky.
I didn't make a conscious choice to quit blogging. I just honestly forgot it was even going on.
That is part of what this month/time is supposed to be about. Making conscious choices. Living life on Purpose instead of just letting life happen. So when I saw a post someone put on facebook about their post for the 31 day challenge it hit me.
I haven't posted in days! Like 12 Days.
My head said "Well that was a waste." "Started something you didn't finish... just like always" "Why don't you just forget about it"
But that other part of me, that part that wants to live Life on Purpose, that part that wants to be the one driving this crazy train instead of just riding along said "Jump back in! If you start posting again today by the end of the month you will have posted on more days than you didn't. And you will for sure have posted more days than you would if you stopped"
My brain is so full of ideas that some days it fills like my head will explode. Yes, some of them are completely ridiculous (like being a goat farmer) but some of them are wonderful. It is hard work to separate the good ideas from the bad ideas and sometimes I lose track of what I am doing NOW while I try to sort out my ideas for the future. But when you live life on purpose you have to be aware of the now.
For me that is often easier said than done. Sometime trying to stay on track on in the here and now feels a whole lot like swimming upstream. It is so much easier to just go with the flow and let life take me where it will. But going with the flow doesn't always take me where I want to go. For me this is a constant learning process as I figure out ways to work with my natural tendencies with out letting them sweep me down stream.
Often when I am out on the water in my kayak I "Go with the flow"; however, there are many times that there are logs or rocks in the river and just going with the flow would be dangerous. That is why I carry a paddle. So I can direct my kayak around the things that block my path as I let the river carry downstream.
That is the aim of this challenge for me. To learn how to go with the flow but use a paddle to steer myself around the things that might throw me off track or block my path. To not exhaust myself paddling upstream but to direct my life as I let the natural currents provide the flow.
So today I choose to pick up my paddle and steer myself back on track. Today I choose to keep on blogging in this challenge even though I forgot. Today I choose to On Purpose finish what I started.
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