Thursday, October 2, 2014

Start today with tomorrow in mind.

I have a long term dream I am striving for. I want to make a living selling my glass art and teaching classes to others.

There are a few reasons that I can’t make this happen for a few years. One is that this town is not the right venue for my dream and we are not ready to move. Another is that we are not in a financial place at this time to go months without income as I start up my business.

Those are not the main reason though. The main reason is that I am not ready.

I am not good enough at my craft yet. I don’t say that to be all pretend humble and get people to say “Oh, but I love your work”. I say it because I surround myself with people who do this for a living and I know my work is not on the same level theirs is. How could it be? I did my first glass piece in March and these people have been creating for years. I have so much to learn before I am truly an artist.

And here is where I make my stand. Here is where I choose to take a different path that what is normal for me.

Today I choose to hone my craft instead of saying I am not as good as those people so this must not be for me.

I have a long history of quitting when the going gets tough, but not this time. This time I am holding tight to my vision, even as it changes and evolves. This time I am admitting that I have some work to do. There are techniques I need to learn. Techniques I need to get better at. Business things I don’t know. Finances to get straight. I will put the time to good use and choose start today with tomorrow in mind.

I will not look at others work or business models and believe that because I am not there today that I can’t be there in the future.

Why should I think I am so special that when I first start something I should be as good as those who have practiced for years. This idea that you have to work for it should not be new to me at 43, but it is. I have just always assumed I was supposed to be great at everything and if I did not start out great then it was not for me.

But not anymore.

Today I refuse to compare my Chapter 1 to someone else’s Chapter 20.

Today I choose to live purposefully and to work on my skills until I am ready to live my dream!